The Church of the Holy Sepulchre Prayer Bracelets have three primary purposes: 1) they provide comfort as they remind the wearer of the promises of God 2) they provide a visible witness of one's faith, and 3) they help individuals be a witness for the Lord as they invite questions and provide an opportunity share why they identify as a follower of Christ.
How do prayer bracelets bring comfort and peace to the wearer
Christians believe the words in the Bible are living and active (Hebrews 4:12), inspired (2 Timothy 3:16), and unbreakable (John 10:35). The psalmist noted that meditating on the Word of God brings peace (Psalm 119:165). The powerful Scripture verses printed on the prayer bracelets remind believers of God's wonderful, unfailing promises.
What Scripture options are available?
We offer five Scripture verses and several color options. They include:
- "You are the light of the world, let your light shine before men" — Matthew 5:14-16
- "Be watchful, be courageous, be strong" — 1 Corinthians 16:13
- "For I know the plans I have for you" — Jeremiah 29:11
- "The Lord is my shepherd" — Psalm 23:1-4
- "Fear not, for I am your God" — Isaiah 41:10
What prayer bracelet colors are available?
We offer our inspirational bracelets in three colors—each symbolically points to Jesus. The color yellow is associated with the sun and symbolically points to Jesus, the Son of God. The color green is associated with spring and new life and symbolically points to Jesus, who, in the spring, gave His life on the cross so that we might live. The color red often is associated with suffering, sacrifice, and the shedding of blood. Red also reminds believers of Jesus's blood shed on the cross. Christians believe that through His sacrifice and resurrection, the weary can find rest and healing for their soul.
Why is it important to provide a visible witness of your faith? Wearing a prayer bracelet with Scripture reference identifies you as a person of faith and a believer in the integrity of the Bible. Christians believe Scripture mandates that followers of Christ must not be ashamed of the gospel message (Romans 1:16). Christians also believe followers of Christ must not hide their faith (Matthew 5:15) or keep secret their relationship with Jesus (Matthew 10:33). Wearing a prayer bracelet is a spiritual expression—a positive, gentle, God-honoring way to declare your belief in Him.
How do prayer bracelets invite questions and provide opportunities to share your faith?
Friends and neighbors often comment on the clothing and accessories we wear. A colorful prayer bracelet is sure to invite a few questions—we encourage the wearer to view these questions as opportunities to be a witness for the Lord. You can share what God has done for you, what the Scripture verse means to you, where you worship, how God has answered your prayers, what Jesus has done, etc. The possibilities are endless.
Scripture notes that followers of Christ must be witnesses for Christ (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:7-8). Many find that the most challenging part of witnessing is getting the conversation started. Prayer bracelets invite questions that can facilitate opportunities for you to be a fine witness for the Lord.